Day: February 2, 2025

The Winners of the 40th Mark Six Lottery Have Been AnnouncedThe Winners of the 40th Mark Six Lottery Have Been Announced

0 Comments 11:23 AM

The winners of the 40th Hong Kong Mark Six draw have been announced, scooping a whopping HK$10.7 million each. The prize money will be used for charitable causes in Hong Kong. This year, the top winner was a Hong Kong woman who purchased a single ticket for HK$10.7 million, while the second place winner was a man who bought four tickets worth HK$5.7 million. The third and fourth places were also won by individuals who bought one ticket each, winning HK$4.9 million and HK$3.2 million respectively. The Mark Six lottery was launched in 1978 to celebrate the handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China. It has raised over HK$20 billion in the past 40 years and brought hope to countless people.

US lawmakers have nominated Hong Kong’s pro-democracy activists for a Nobel Peace Prize, calling them a global inspiration in the face of a crackdown by Beijing. The letter signed by nine senators across party lines praised their work to promote democracy, peace and human rights in the financial hub. The lawmakers warned that more activists would be prosecuted under China’s National Security Law. The activists are among more than two million people who took to the streets last June in one of the world’s largest mass protests.

Hong Kong’s top epee fencer Vivian Kong and swimmer Siobhan Haughey won gold medals at the 2024 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang, Indonesia. The pair clinched the women’s 200m freestyle and 100m freestyle, respectively. The pair’s victory made them the first pair to win back-to-back gold medals in their respective events in the history of the Games.

In the film sector, a Hong Kong film is eligible for the Best Feature Award at the HK Film Awards (HKFA) if it meets at least two of the following criteria: (1) the director of the film is a resident in Hong Kong; (2) the production company is registered in Hong Kong; and (3) at least six members of the film’s crew are Hong Kong residents. The HKFA is a non-profit making organisation managed by a board of directors, with representatives from 13 professional film bodies in the city.

Hong Kong Free Press, an independent news website, won the 2019 Gold Prize in the Online Journalism category of the Hong Kong Press Association’s Media Excellence Awards. HKFP is dedicated to covering news and views that are underrepresented in the media in Hong Kong, and aims to be an honest, trustworthy source of news and information. The site is backed by a small circle of monthly donors and is guided by an impartial stance and a clear editorial policy. This is the fifth time this year that HKFP has won, or been shortlisted for, a journalism-related prize. The HKFP team is humbled by this recognition and grateful to its supporters. Please support HKFP’s original reporting through our subscriptions. Read more here.

What is the Lottery?What is the Lottery?

0 Comments 12:59 AM

The Lottery is a gambling game where players pay a small amount of money to receive the chance to win a much larger sum of money. In the past, lottery funds have been used for many purposes, including building roads and settling disputes. Today, people use the Lottery to fund everything from school construction projects to medical research. Some even use it to decide who gets into their favorite college or university. It’s no surprise that the lottery is so popular – it can have a major impact on our lives.

While playing the Lottery is a risky proposition, there are ways to improve your chances of winning. For example, you can buy multiple tickets or play the same numbers each week. However, these strategies won’t increase your odds significantly. Instead, focus on saving and investing your money. This can help you build wealth over time.

The word “lottery” comes from the Latin loteria, meaning drawing lots or casting of lots. Historically, people have cast lots for many different reasons: to determine property ownership, to resolve legal conflicts, and even to choose officeholders.

In colonial America, Lotteries were a popular method of raising public funds for both private and public ventures. For instance, the Massachusetts Colony held a series of lotteries to finance the construction of roads, libraries, churches, and colleges. The colonies also used Lotteries to raise money for war efforts against the French and Indians.

Lottery winners often have the option of receiving their winnings as a lump sum or in annual payments. The latter option is often better for investors because it allows them to invest immediately and take advantage of compound interest. It also protects winners from over-spending. It’s important to discuss your options with a financial advisor.

When it comes to choosing a winning combination, the more numbers you match, the better your chances are of winning. However, you should keep in mind that the overall odds of winning are still quite low. The odds of matching all six numbers are approximately one in three.

A common misconception is that you can increase your odds by buying more tickets or by betting more money. But the laws of probability say that you cannot. Each ticket has an independent probability that is not altered by how frequently you play or how much you bet.

Lottery organizers know that their products appeal to our aspirational desires. Their advertising campaigns feature stories of past winners and portray winnings as both attainable and life-changing. In addition, they emphasize the simplicity of participating. As a result, the prize amounts continue to rise, and people are constantly reminded of how they can become rich by spending a few dollars. In other words, they use FOMO – Fear of Missing Out – to drive sales.