The Sidney Prize and the Hillman and Schanberg PrizesThe Sidney Prize and the Hillman and Schanberg Prizes
The Sidney Prize is awarded annually by Dartmouth College to a writer who has produced distinguished long-form writing of high quality. The prize was established in memory of Sidney Cox, professor of English at Dartmouth from 1927 to 1952. It is administered by a committee, of which Robert Frost ’96 and A. B. Guthrie are honorary chairmen and Budd Schulberg ’36 is active chairman. The prize is a cash award of $100.
New York Times columnist David Brooks announced his 2020 selections for the Sidney Awards, highlighting some of the year’s best long-form essays. Several were written by writers who have previously received the prize, including Western Carolina University’s John Parris Distinguished Professor of Appalachian Cultural Studies in the Department of English and Ron Rash, whose work was selected for the Sidney Lanier Prize from Mercer University’s Spencer B. King Center for Southern Studies.
York University history professor Edward Jones-Imhotep won the 2023 Sidney Edelstein Prize, the most prestigious book prize in the field of the history of technology, for his work The Unreliable Nation: Hostile Nature and Technological Failure in Cold War America (Indiana University Press). Jones-Imhotep is a faculty member in the Department of History, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and teaches one of the department’s most popular courses – HIST 1777: Disasters and History.
The Hillman Prize is awarded by the Sydney H. Schanberg Foundation to “journalists, writers and public figures who pursue social justice and public policy for the common good.” The Sydney Schanberg Prize is named after the late New York Times and Newsday reporter/columnist. It was first presented in 2021 and is funded by the family of former New York Times executive editor, Sydney Schanberg.
All Sidney Prize winners are required to submit a signed and dated Copyright Release Form (PDF, 37KB). Those who are awarded a prize will also be required to provide a photograph of themselves for publicity purposes.
In addition to general university scholarships and prizes, the University of Sydney offers a number of literary prizes for the submission of writing on a given topic. These can include poetry, short stories and plays and essays. A number of these are administered by the University’s academic departments, while others are independent organizations.
The University of Sydney has an extensive array of literary prizes for the submission of written works on a given topic, many of which date back to bequests at the beginning of the 20th century. Most require the submission of an essay on a given subject and are assessed on their originality, and ability to shed light on a chosen topic.
This prize, established in the memory of a former member and Chair of the Trent History Department and Master of Lady Eaton College, is awarded to the honours student submitting the most outstanding essay in Canadian History in their fourth year. This prize was donated by friends and colleagues in memory of the distinguished historian Donald Chase and is a memorial to his love of historical research in Canada and for the community of Kawartha District, which encompasses Peterborough, Clarington, Northumberland and Haliburton.